
There are times when an experienced Attorney is essential.
Whether you’re purchasing your first home, building your dream estate or navigating a complex property purchase a knowledgable Attorney can be vital to protecting the interests of your family and business.
At Smith Cavin & Corbin our accomplished Attorneys have a combined 140 years of experience practicing law in Georgia. In the field of Real Estate practice, our lawyers have handled over 40,000 closings. In addition, we have Attorneys equally capable of handling personal injury cases, criminal defense issues and general ligation matters. We also have experience in most areas of family law including will preparation and estate probate.
Our attorneys are leaders in their profession including a past president of the Real Estate Section of the Georgia Bar, a 2013 & 2014 Top Lawyer in Georgia, and a past president of the Georgia Real Estate Closing Attorneys Association (“GRECAA”).
No matter what your needs, you’ll find that the Attorneys of Smith Cavin & Corbin deliver unparalleled knowledge, expertise and integrity.